Egy rajongi levl....
2005.03.01. 15:13
Ezt a levelet egy fiatal lny rta a fiknak, mert gy rezte, ksznettel tartozik nekik...
A P. O. D. jtkony plyafutshoz kapcsoldan talltunk egy olyan rajongi levelet, ami teljes mrtkben bebizonytja -mr amennyiben kell-, hogy a fik milyen hatst vltanak ki az emberekbl, anlkl, hogy klnsebben megismernk ket...
From: katalia ********* (NAME PROTECTED) Date: January 23, 2005 11:53:40 AM CST To: Subject: gratitude
I don't know if Sonny will ever see this or if anyone even bothers to read these things, but if you do, please tell Sonny that he saved a life. I was deeply suicidal. I was about to slash my wrist, but felt that I had to go on the net one last time. I went to a lyric site, and just typed in "Run" for some reason...I just knew that I needed to. I clicked on P.O.D.'s and read it over and over for almost an hour. Then I put the blade away and got help. I would not be here today if it weren't for P.O.D. If Sonny or someone else in the band could write back to me, I would really appreciate it. I do understand though, if nothing comes. May the Lord be with you all, P.O.D. You guys rock!
-kytti (#1 fan)
Na, ht ez egy fiatal lny levelnek rszlete volt amit a P.O.D.-nek cmzett... Szerintem a sorok magukrt beszlnek...